Bureau National Interprofessionnel du Cognac
“The Bureau National Interprofessionnel du Cognac (BNIC) is a coordination and decision-making body for the Cognac industry. Comprising an equal number of winegrowers and merchants, the BNIC’s primary mission is to safeguard the Cognac Geographical Indication, foster the economic development of the industry, and represent the general interest of 4,360 winegrowers, 130 professional distillers, and 240 merchants operating within the geographical indication”.
Working alongside elected industry representatives and trade unions, the BNIC’s missions include safeguarding, perpetuating, and developing the Geographical Indication, informing and monitoring, forward-planning, promoting the image of Cognac, and protecting and enhancing the consumer experience for the benefit of all Cognac stakeholders.
Since its founding in 1946, the BNIC’s remit has always included a public service mission on behalf of the DGDDI (Directorate-General of Customs and Indirect Taxes), as well as business-related aims. Since 2010, the BNIC has been recognized as a Defense and Management Body (DMB) for the Cognac GI. NB: the DMB manages and monitors the specifications of the Geographical Indication and the implementation of the associated inspection plan.